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Laos strives to improve children’s well-being

VIENTIANE, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) — Laos has officially joined the School Meals Coalition, a global alliance focused on advancing child nutrition, education, and well-being through comprehensive school meal programs, reflecting its commitment to improving the health and educational outcomes of children across the Southeast Asian country.
The coalition aims to ensure that every child has access to a nutritious meal in school by 2030, supporting the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly of zero hunger and quality education, Lao National Radio reported on Thursday.
Speaking at the event on Wednesday, Lao Minister of Education and Sports Phout Simmalavong said, “Joining the School Meals Coalition is a critical step forward in our national strategy to improve child health and education. We look forward to working with regional and global partners to build a brighter future for our children.”
As a new member of the School Meals Coalition, Laos will focus on expanding its current school meal initiatives and strengthening its collaboration with local and international partners to address the problem of child malnutrition.
The Lao government aims to leverage international expertise, resources, and best practices through the coalition to continue developing a sustainable, locally sourced school meals program that meets the dietary needs of students while supporting local agriculture and the economy.
The School Meals Coalition offers Laos the opportunity to engage in global dialogues, share experiences, and learn from the successes of other member countries.
This collective effort will help Laos accelerate its progress toward national and global development goals, ultimately contributing to a healthier, more educated, and prosperous society. ■
